
What Is SEO Back linking

That’s why certain websites will appear at the very top of page one, whilst others that are considered far less relevant and will possess a much lower search page result. But even this isn’t set in stone – in fact Google are consistently releasing algorithms that check all of the above data, with the intention of prioritising websites that maintain fresh, relevant content over those that simply occupy space.

In recent months (as of April the 21st, 2015 in fact), Google announced that they would assign extra priority to websites that were mobile-friendly. This decision has seen a steady decline in traditional website search result positions, in favour of mobile friendly sites that are just as search engine optimised.

So what can you as a website owner do, to ensure that your website maintains a consistent position within search page results – and a position that sits as highly as possible? Well it’s all about optimising your website so that Google considers it as relevant as possible. If this activity is too technical, then you can do this by employing an SEO specialist, and they will be able to develop a strategy to maximise your website’s potential. This strategy will involve fresh content, careful keyword introduction, and high quality backlinks in most instances.

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